
Affiliation Charges

After having completed all the formalities the below charges shall be deposited in the office by Cash or Bank Account in favour of the Saffron Educational & Medical Foundation as security. Institute at the time of having affiliation.

  1. The application in printed Letter Head is to be submitted to “The Director, ” Saffron Educational & Medical Foundation along with a security fee (Refundable) of Rs. 5,000 /-.
  2. Affiliation fee of Rs.50000 /- (Rupees Fifty thousand only). Normally affiliation is granted for one year if otherwise there is no specific reason.
  3. Renewal of affiliation fee is Rs. 10000 /- (Rupees Ten Thousand only).
  4. Physical verification of institute after affiliation. Physical verification Charge Rs. 10000/-(Rupees Ten Thousand).

Necessary Documents For Affiliation

  • Trust Deed or N.G.O Certificate.
  • Hospital Association letter (if trust or NGO have own, hospital association letter is not required).
  • Staff & teaching faculty educational documents.
  • Agreement ( Rs. 100 Stamp Paper)
  • Rent agreement (if N.G.O or trust have own building not require to agreement
  • One ID proof (Pan card or Aadhar card)
  • Latest bank statement

Basic Infrastructures:

i. Class Room:-

Classroom for 25 students (minimum area 225 sq. ft) should have proper ventilation, well-illuminated blackboard/whiteboard and availability of adequate furniture and ceiling fan.

ii. Lab:-

The Lab for 25 students should be at least 25 x 20 ft. with adequate lighting and exhaust fans or ceiling fans. The Lab should have the following tools/equipment/apparatus or material for practical training:- Tools/ Equipment/ Apparatus or requirements of material for Practical Training. Quantity

  1. Chart and modal (Relating Human Anatomy and Physiology i.e. heart, kidney, eye, ear etc.) 10 (min)
  2. Spots i.e. heart, kidney, eye, ear, bones etc. and slides i.e. Slides or RBC, WBC, malarial parasite etc. 20 (min)
  3. B.P. Instrument 10
  4. Stethoscope 10
  5. Thermometer 25
  6. Glucometer 7
  7. Weighing Machine 5
  8. First Aid Box 10
  9. Splints Structure 1
  10. Facility for food preservation (refrigeration/fridge) 1
  11. Nutrients calculation chart 1
  12. Human Skeletons 1
  13. Bandage & Dressing articles 2 pct. each
  14. Coloured television, Computer Pentium 4 with printer, VCD, PA system 1 each
  15. Facility for Yogasans, Pranayam , Shatkarmi.e Mats, Jalnetilota,Sutraneti ,Jag etc. As required
iii. Physical Facilities:-

The Institution should have the facilities for drinking water, Bathroom & Toilets (Toilets for Ladies & Gents separately)

iv. Library:-

The library should have a minimum of 20 books/articles/magazines etc. related to the subject.

v. Clinical Facilities:-

The clinic/hospital should have the following minimum facilities:

  • OPD Facility
  • Dressing Facility

Or the institution may be attached to a reputed clinic/hospital and it should have the certification for collaboration.
The clinic/hospital will be inspected at the time of inspection.

vi. Faculty and supporting staff:-
Faculty and supporting staffEducational/Professional QualificationNo.
InstructorM.Sc. (Zoology)/Life Science or B.Sc. (ZBC) Group with 2 years of experience1
Medical Doctor (Naturopath – Part-time)Degree/Diploma in Naturopathy from reputed Institution1
Lab AssistantRelevant to job1
AssistantRelevant to job1
Receptionist cum ClerkRelevant to job1
vii. Batch Size:-

Maximum 25 students in one batch. An institution can run maximum of 2 batches for this course.

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