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How to register with the Kesar Research Center & Naturopath Institute?​

Online Membership Registration Application

Who Can Be The Member ?
  1. Only Those With Minimum 3 To 5 Years Of Experience In The Field Of Naturopathy
  2. Students Of Kesar Institute Who Has Done Any Of The Offered Courses At The Institute
  3. On The Basis Of The Special Request
  4. On The Selection Basis Only
  Requirements for Registration​
  • Membership of the Kesar Research Center & Naturopath Institute is confined to those who had undertaken full-time training in Naturopathy or including graduates of the full-time courses at the registered University, Board, Society, Trust or Institutions of INDIA and graduates of accredited post-graduate courses in Naturopathy Applications are also considered from practitioners who have completed full-time or correspondence training overseas at colleges or courses in countries where their training is officially approved, and have obtained some years experience in professional practice. In addition, the Registration Committee is able to consider, and in some suitable cases accept, applications from practitioners whose qualifications may be different from those outlined above, so long as the practitioner meets the minimum levels of naturopathic competence described.
  • It is important to remember that the Saffron Educational & Medical Foundation is a Maharashtra State & Central Govt Of India registered Trust With Reg.No. E-34921(M).
  • Registration is confined to those practitioners trained and working in the Country Of India, or trained overseas but resident in the India.
  • Minimum Levels of Naturopathic Competence
  • In order to apply naturopathic therapeutic techniques safely and competently a practitioner must have sound knowledge of anatomy, physiology, pathology, nutrition, naturopathic principles and basic medical therapeutics.
  • A practitioner must have acquired sufficient depth of knowledge of the principles of medicine and the pathological processes of underlying disease and be aware of the physiological basis of, and current concepts regarding, naturopathic treatment.
  • A practitioner must be capable of taking and interpreting a pertinent case history which should include information about the patient’s present complaint including predisposing, precipitating and maintaining factors as well as information about the patient’s medical, physiological, social and family history.
  • A practitioner must be able to conduct and interpret an appropriate clinical examination which will include:
  • An examination and evaluation of the biomechanics of the patient and a reasoned assessment of the fundamental biomechanical interrelationships within the body’s structure
  • The use and interpretation of appropriate and currently acceptable clinical testing procedures and auxiliary investigations, including a clinical examination of the nervous system.
  • A practitioner must be trained to make an appropriate differential diagnosis based upon current knowledge. This should include awareness that pain associated with certain visceral diseases can mimic pains originating from within the muscular-skeletal system. It is essential therefore that a practitioner should be able to distinguish between pain of a biomechanical nature and that of visceral origin as well as determine whether a pain is derived from the site where it is experienced or referred from another part.
  • A practitioner must be trained to record systematically all relevant information and findings and be able to communicate these, and their relevance, to the patient’s INDIA practitioner and/or other health care practitioner.
  • A practitioner must also be aware of the absolute and relative contra-indications to naturopathic treatment. The practitioner must also be aware of his/her limits of competence and be able to recognize when the patient is suffering from a condition where naturopathic treatment may be inappropriate and which accordingly requires referral to a registered medical practitioner.
  • On completion of an initial examination, the practitioner should be in a position to determine whether naturopathic treatment is appropriate, and if so formulate an appropriate treatment plan and prognosis. The practitioner should be able to communicate his or her findings, diagnosis, prognosis (and possible prophylaxis) to the patient in such a way that the patient’s own expectations are taken into consideration. Naturopathic treatment embraces a wide range of therapeutic techniques.
  • Practitioners should be familiar with at least the core techniques of naturopathic techniques and know how to apply and modify them appropriately to the patient’s particular condition. The following therapies are considered to be of primary importance in the naturopathic treatment of disease: nutrition and dietetics, fasting, structural adjustment, hydrotherapy, encouragement of a healthy life-style and health education. In naturopathic philosophy it is just as important, if not more so, to explain to the patient why disease occurs and what the patient can do for him or herself to maintain the new, improved level of health given to them by naturopathic treatment. In this way the patient is given responsibility for his or her health.
  • Practitioners should be aware of the hazards of inappropriate and over treatment, and be capable of evaluating, assessing and reassessing the patient’s changing condition and any other ongoing therapeutic procedure that the patient may be receiving.

To sum up, the Practice of naturopathy requires a depth of medical and biomechanical knowledge with a repertoire and refinement of technical skills that short undergraduate courses alone cannot adequately hope to provide. In order to absorb the professional skills and ethical values essential for safe and competent practice all student naturopaths require a continuity of clinical experience combined with substantive interaction with professional lecturers, clinicians and peers in an environment which allows for a synthesis of theoretical learning and practical experience.

  Benefits of Registration
Benefits of registration with The Saffron Naturopath & Research Institute (S.N.R.I):
  1. Membership of the Well Known & Well Established Institute Of Maharashtra & central Government Of India registering body.
  2. Opportunity To Become registered Member Of Saffron Institute.
  3. Opportunity To Work With Saffron Institution & Be The Doctor Teacher.
  4. Become A Listed Doctor Teacher For New Students & Guide them Accordingly Through Conducting Lectures.
  5. A Certificate of Membership of Registration
  6. Membership Identity Card.
  7. Right To Attend The Meeting Of Institution.
  8. Acknowledgement of professional status by the Naturopathy and Natural Healthcare Council (Saffron Naturopath & Research Institute)
  9. A well-advertised public Helpline for practitioner referrals.
  10. E-Newsletters/ Blogs containing important information.
  11. Opportunity To Publish Personal Blogs On Health Care & Naturopathy.
  12. Opportunity To Attend Online & Offline Seminars Of Institution.
  13. Opportunity To Present Gust Lectures At institution.
  Application Procedure
  1. Fill Up the Provided Registration Form.
  2. Provide All The  Required Details In The  Form.
  3. Attend Telephonic Interview Session.
  4. Acquire Selection Certificate.
  5. Be The Registered Member At Kesar Research Centre & Naturopath Institute (K.R.C.N.I)

Once the Selection Committee & Secretary receives your application for registration, Then will check it to make sure that all relevant sections have been completed, that the correct fee has been submitted, and that all necessary paperwork has been attached. If everything is correct, They will send you an acknowledgement of receipt (Selection Certificate), and will forward the papers to the Membership Committee, who will consider the application. The Membership Committee may ask for additional information and/or request an interview with the applicant. As a rough guide, the Membership Committee will report its initial findings to the Secretary within six weeks, who will then notify you of the result.

Once the Membership Committee has all the information it needs, it has five options when considering the application:

  1. Unconditionally accept the applicant as a Full Member.
  2. Unconditionally accept the applicant as an Associate Member with recommendations for on what requirements need to be met in order to become a full member.
  3. Accept the applicant as an Associate Member (for a limited time period), with conditions in order to remain a member after that time period has elapsed e.g. mentoring and/or a study pathway
  4. Not accept the applicant but with advice on what would be needed in order to re-apply
  5. Not accept the applicant but with no option to re-apply

A PDF Details of the Registration process can be downloaded from the link at the bottom of the page.

  Membership Registration Application​
(Fee Form + Certificate + ID card + Membership )
Fees Detail’s :
  • General Membership 1 Year Rs.2,000 /- (Fee Form + Certificate + ID card + Membership )
  • Practitioner Membership 3 years Rs. 5,000 /-
  • Lifetime members Rs. 20,000 /-
  • Member not in practice Rs. 10,000 /- (Followers)
  • Let fees Next Renew Rs. 5,000 /-
  Membership Registration Form​

No organization shall be considered a member of the K.R.C.N.I  if it has failed to pay within such period as may have been defined by the K.R.C.N.I, or as laid down within the Memorandum and Articles, such annual subscription as may be set from time to time as being required for its membership

No organization which is not financially solvent can be considered for or continue as a member of the K.R.C.N.I.

Practitioner Register

The Kesar Research Centre & Naturopath Institute (K.R.C.N.I), as the Standards Body, has established Core Elements for Naturopaths. Individuals who are entitled to become members of the  K.R.C.N.I will have trained and will practice to a minimum of the levels set out in the Core Elements.

There are two routes for registration with the KESAR RESEARCH CENTER & NATUROPATH INSTITUTE (K.R.C.N.I.) Route A

As a member of one of the following professional associations: Association of Master Herbalists (AMH), Association of Naturopathic Practitioners (ANP), Guild of Naturopathic Iridologists Int (MAHANATUROPATHY), Incorporated Society of Registered Naturopaths (ISRN), Naturopathic Nutrition Association (NNA)

Route B

Individual membership: If you consider you work in a naturopathic way, you are invited to apply for registration with the Kesar Research Centre & Naturopath Institute (K.R.C.N.I). To be eligible, you will need to have a diploma in one of the following:

Acupuncture, Aromatherapy, Chiropractic, Colonic Hydrotherapy, Herbal Medicine, Homeopathy, Iridology, Kinesiology, Massage Therapy, Medical Practitioner, Natural Hygiene, Nutritional Therapy, Oriental Medicine (TCM), Osteopathy

You will need to provide copies of relevant diplomas relating to your naturopathic practice. As we need to substantiate that training has matched the high standards required by the (S.N.R.I), we may ask for details of your training course and / or contact details of your training provider. We will also ask you to provide evidence of CPD (Continuing Professional Development) – unless you are newly qualified, and evidence of current professional insurance if you are practicing in the MAHARASHTRA – registrants who practice overseas must check in their own country whether they require professional insurance cover

The K.R.C.N.I. has a two-tier Register for Naturopaths. All registrants are required to comply with the MNCA’s Codes of Ethics for Professional Practice and must work within the Naturopathic National Occupational Standards (NOS).

Registered Naturopath

Practitioners who are fully qualified in Naturopathy will be able to apply for registration at the higher level of Registered Naturopath status. A Registered Naturopath will be qualified in at least one of the disciplines listed above, plus will have completed all the required elements of naturopathic training. Some Registered Naturopaths will have completed a specific naturopathy course that will entitle them to use the designator letters ‘ND’ after their name.

Associate Naturopath

An Associate Naturopath will be qualified in at least one of the disciplines listed above, and will have completed some of the required elements of naturopathic training. The K.R.C.N.I provides a route for its Associate Naturopaths to ‘upgrade’ to full Registered Naturopath status by completing those naturopathic core elements that have not already been covered during previous training

How to Register

If you are a member of one of the above-named professional associations, please contact the association for the application form that will entitle you to fast-track registration with the K.R.C.N.I

If you wish to apply for individual membership, please complete the application form and return it to us.

  Education and Training​

The Education sub-committee is composed of representatives of K.R.C.N.I members who are involved with teaching Naturopathy or Naturopathic modules.

The function of this sub-committee is to devise the means by which a future regulator may uphold high educational standards in Naturopathy. It reports back to the main K.R.C.N.I. board where final decisions are democratically voted upon.
  Society of Registered Naturopaths (SRN) Established 2012​

The SRN is probably the 1 st established Nature Cure society in the MAHARASHTRA and fosters the practice of Nature Cure.

Established in 2011 the SRN was the register of the Legal Education of the Naturopathic Therapeutics, as well as other practitioners who met the stringent by-laws of the society.

Because this was the founding group for this approach to health in the Maharashtra State, most other current Naturopathic associations share similar basic principle and practices, but there are subtle and important differences.

One is that the routine prescribing of supplements is forbidden by the by-laws,the preference being for their patients to obtain their nutrition from naturally produced food sources.  Sadly, modern intensive food production has seen a reduction in the wholesomeness of some of our basic food staples, therefore needs can only be genuinely met through organic foods.

The view on remedies, even if they are herbal, is that they are symptom treatments, just like any other medicine.  The Natural philosophy is that true healing can only come from within, so to give the credit for recovery to the contents of a bottle takes away the essential belief in the self-healing powers of the body.

Practitioners employ no mechanical devices; again it is all to easy for patients to give the credit for the improvement in their health to the appliance, not to the fundamental corrections to their lifestyles.

For more information please visit our Maharashtra Borivali Branch

or e-mail:


  Naturopathic Practitioner

What is a Registered Naturopath?


A Registered Naturopath will be qualified in at least one therapy plus will have completed all the required elements of naturopathic training. Some Registered Naturopaths will have completed a specific naturopathy course that will entitle to use the qualifying letter ‘ND’ after their name.
What is an Associate Naturopath?
An Associate Naturopath will be qualified in at least one therapy and will have completed some of the required elements of naturopathic training.
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