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Diploma In Naturopathy (N.D.)

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Diploma in Naturopathy


Why With Kesar Research Center & Naturopath Institute (K.R.C.N.I.)?

What is it About?

Naturopathy is the science of dealing with illness or treating ailments using the natural way of life without the use of alternative medicine. Taking up the program of Diploma In Naturopathy (N.D.) With Kesar Research Centre & Naturopath Institute (K.R.C.N.I.) opens up a lucrative medium for students in knowing about the latest trends and techniques for curing ailments. Students are rendered the understanding of different aspects related to the science of health.

With Kesar Institute learn about different techniques of controlling diet, exercise, and massage which is used to treat ailments and illness. Students are rendered the advance knowledge of effective healing without aiding to antibiotics nor alternate medicines. They are imbibed with the skills of having patience and going through the strengths and weakness before starting the treatment for illness.

Diploma in Naturopathy (N.D.) 1 Year Specialization Distance Education course comprises of building a general foundation regarding health and nutrition. Students seeking to take up the program are supposed to be in good health for practising. Post the completion of the program, they can go on to pursue a future qualification in the fields of nutrition, yoga or naturopathy for gaining further knowledge of the field.

Kesar’s One Year Distance education of Diploma in Naturopathy aims at nurturing students in the overall field by imbibing in them the fundamentals and principles of Natural Healing.

Benefits Of Diploma In Naturopathy

A naturopathy is a form of alternative medicine that uses principles of natural healing, non-invasive treatment, and self-healing. Naturopathy course helps you understand the science to explore the secret of healthy living and a drugless system of healing.

Naturopathy is practised in more than 80 countries. Naturopathy and Yoga course is gaining immense popularity nowadays as the demand for naturopathy practitioner and yoga trainers is increasing across the world.

  • Golden Opportunity For Going Abroad.
  • After the completion of the course, one can start their own consultation as a Doctor (N.D.) In the field of Naturopathy.

Alternative System Of Medicine

The world market for alternative and complementary medicines is projected to experience substantial growth in the next few years. Growing medical expenditure is one of the major factors that are likely to encourage the growth of the overall market in the coming years. Besides, the opportunity to get jobs in the alternative medicine field is wide where one can have an excelling career growth. Alternative, complementary, and preventive medicine has gained huge popularity in recent times. It could be because of reduced side effects or better access to these treatments, thus making preventive medicine a winner. An article titled ‘Perception, attitude and usage of complementary and alternative medicine among doctors and patients in a tertiary care hospital in India’ states that the use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) was more among doctors (58%) when compared with the patients (28%). The Indian government is also eyeing a three-fold increase in the AYUSH sector by 2022. AYUSH stands for traditional systems of medicine and healthcare such as Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, and Siddha and Homeopathy.

Essential Information For (N.D.)

The Doctor of Naturopathy program teaches students to use herbal therapies to treat their patients’ minds, bodies, and spirits. Students learn about botanical and naturopathic medicine as well as anatomy and homoeopathy. Training clinics and residencies may be included in the curriculum. In addition to a science-related bachelor’s degree, program applicants should have relevant work experience.

Doctor of Naturopathy

A Diploma In Naturopathy (N.D.) Specialization Course program is an alternative medicine program that treats a patient’s body, as well as mind and spirit through the use of herbs and alternative therapies not traditionally used in contemporary medicine. The N.D degree program explores natural health care through extensive training clinics and a residency program. Additionally, students have the opportunity to complete a number of research projects in areas such as herbal medicines, complementary therapies and botanical medicines. In the first years of study of the naturopathy doctorate degree program, students will receive a robust fundamental education in the sciences, clinical theory and anatomy. Advanced courses include patient ethics, case analysis, patient care and naturopathic therapies. Once a student has completed the clinical studies and seminars, they must complete a residency program. Classes students may take include:

  • Human anatomy
  • Botanical medicine
  • Naturopathic medicine
  • Naturopathic manipulation
  • Cardiology

Popular Careers For (N.D.)

Naturopathic doctors can find careers in a variety of fields including private practices or integrative medical clinics, research centres, insurance companies and corporate firms. Career options for naturopathic doctors include the following:

  • Naturopathic specialists
  • Naturopathic consultant
  • Wellness entrepreneur
  • Natural medicine advisor
  • Primary natural care physician

Required Skillset for the Course

Alternative medicine course Naturopathy demands its aspirants to have sound knowledge about the basic structure and the functioning of the human body. They should be able to find the problem and its origin exactly so as to suggest treatment modalities. They should have patience in treating the clients as the disease and wellness outcome takes longer than allopathic medicine. They should have high levels of empathy to understand the psychological trauma of the clients. Other general skill sets that are mandatory for a student of Alternative medicine are,

  • General proficiency in English
  • Ability to converse in an empathetic tone
  • Clarity of speech
  • Ability to explain the treatment modality and its outcome with clarity
  • Confidence
  • Good presentation skills
  • Follow strict aseptic protocols during treatment

Job Positions

Naturopathy Physician, Therapist, Assistant Research Officer, Naturopathy Consultant, Diet Consultant, etc. Lecturer and Professor, Therapist, Medical Practitioner, Scientist, Pharmacist, Public Health Specialist, Independent Doctor, Consultant, SPA director

Registration Form

Course level 1 Year Special Education In Naturopathy Diploma
Duration 1 Years Distance Education
Examination Type Exams will be taken At The End Of The Year

Viva & Written Assignments Will Also Be Allotted


Eligibility Passing standard 10th or 12th in any stream such as science, arts or commerce with a minimum of 50% marks and above from a recognized board.
Admission process
  • Click On Registration Form & fill the same with required documents. (If any doubt Kindly contact and confirm.)


Course Fee INR 91,500/- 71,500/- Only
Job Positions Naturopathy Physician, Therapist, Assistant Research Officer, Naturopathy Consultant, Diet Consultant, etc

Diploma in Naturopathy: Eligibility

The eligibility criteria for admission to Diploma in Naturopathy are as follows:

  • Applicants must qualify the class 10th with a minimum aggregate of 50% and above from a recognized board.
  • Those who have cleared their class 12th in any stream of either Arts, Science or Commerce
    with a minimum aggregate of 50% and above from a recognized board.
  • Candidates should be in sound health and not suffer from any ailments.
  • Candidates should have completed minimum 18 years of age at the time of admission.

Diploma in Naturopathy: Admission Process

Admission to the program of Diploma in Naturopathy is done on the basis of Merit obtained in their qualifying examination. The minimum eligibility requires candidates to qualify class 10th examination or class 12th in either stream of Commerce, Arts or Science with a minimum aggregate of 50% from a recognized board. Additionally, aspirants should have at least completed 18 years of age along with being in good health for seeking admission to the course.

There is no entrance examination conducted for the program.

Applicants can apply for the program either offline (By filling up the prospectus given by Kesar) or by visiting the official website www.kesarinstitute.com All the important information pertaining to the date for admission will be provided by our side.

For any query kindly contact us through below given contact details 

Diploma in Naturopathy: Syllabus and Course Description

Online options are available

Diploma in Naturopathy introduces students to the latest sciences and contemporary methods involved in the field of treating illness. They are offered the relevant Understand of natural herbs, therapy & way of treatment for treating illness without or with minimum use of medicine.

As it is a distance learning course All the required study material will be provided by Kesar Institute.


If the applicant is applying for Online course He/She have to attend practical lectures which are available on the Kesar institute website. (The lectures will be held by well-experienced Naturopath Doctors.)

Diploma in Naturopathy: Career Prospects

Diploma in Naturopathy course opens a wide range of opportunities for candidates wherein they can go on to pursue teaching and practice in government agencies such as Ministry of AYUSH, Ministry of Health, Government of India, research councils including Central Council for Research in Yoga and Naturopathy (CCRYN), National Institute of Naturopathy (NIN), Research Centres, Hospital Administration, Management and Administration, Spa Centres, Private Clinics, Healthcare Centres, and much more. They can choose to become a Naturopathy Physician, Therapist, Assistant Research Officer, Naturopathy Consultant, Naturopathy Experts, Publication Officer, Naturopathy Consultant, Research Officer and much more.





A Perfect Way To Wellness

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What Will You Learn?

  • A naturopathy is a form of alternative medicine that uses principles of natural healing, non-invasive treatment, and self-healing. Naturopathy course helps you understand the science to explore the secret of healthy living and a drugless system of healing.
  • Naturopathy is practised in more than 80 countries. Naturopathy and Yoga course is gaining immense popularity nowadays as the demand for naturopathy practitioner and yoga trainers is increasing across the world.

Course Content


  • Naturopathy

Basis OF Naturecure
Over Here Doctors are explaining/introducing the basis of naturopathy.

Understanding Naturopathy

Aloe vera

Wheat Grass
What is wheatgrass? Wheatgrass is a food made from the Triticum aestivum plant. It’s regarded as a super potent health food with amazing benefits. It’s usually consumed as a fresh juice, but it also comes in powdered form. Fresh wheatgrass juice is considered to be a living food. Health enthusiasts have long raved about the countless benefits of this plant and for good reason. It can be used as an everyday health tonic and may even help treat specific diseases. More research is needed to truly determine its efficacy, but researchers agree that wheatgrass has potential.

Food & Water (Healthy Diet)

Alternative Of Food

Mud Therapy


Natural herbs (Ashwagandha & Shishu)

Acidic & Alkaline Food

Massage & Exercise

Steam & Herbs

Tub Bath

Questions & Answers

What Is Fasting?

Mental Health

Magnet Therapy


Questions & Answers 2

Giloy (Medicinal Herb)

Importance Of Test

First Consultation

Acupressure Instrument


Bark Of Tree (Arjuna Neem & Pipal)

Alfa Alfa – A Healthy Way Of Life

Healthy Food

3 Main Herbs

Food Intake

How To Stay Healthy & Improve Your Metabolism

Why Diseases??

Wheat grass – The Panecea On Earth

Importance Of Chewing

Steam Bath


Assignment 1

Assignment 2


Naturopathy & It’s Way of Life



Benifits of…..

Blood Cell


Dr Anjana

Dr Insaf Khan

Dr Hitesh Parmar

Dr Mona Patel (English Lectures)

Dr. Somiran


Dr. Chitra Rao

The Four Pillars of Healthy lifestyle
The path to a disease-free lifestyle is achieved only through a change in the daily routine of our lives. These small changes in our eating and lifestyle habits lead to huge positive outcomes in our health. The Best routine for a healthy life includes these four pillars: FOOD: It is a vast topic which varies from region, culture to occupation and traditions. The best food for you is the one available in your region. Seasonal foods, fruits, green vegies and Nutritional juices are ideal for daily consumption. Your diet should contain one type of grain in one seating, a proper time schedule and a positive attitude towards healthy eating habits. Exercise Breathing exercises like pranayama, though overlooked, can help build a longer life span free of wrinkles and fight aging. This is due to oxygen levels increasing in the body through the process thus rejuvenating the body. MENTAL HEALTH/ RELAXATION: Adequate sleep, relaxation, and personal time are crucial for a healthy lifestyle. They enhance physical and mental well-being, including metabolism, energy, and mental health, making them essential priorities. STRESS Stress can boost productivity and creativity when managed positively, but it varies between individuals. Frequent breaks and mindfulness are vital for a balanced life, fostering an optimistic and healthy mindset, benefiting both you and those around you.

Dr. Mona Patel (Hindi Lectures)

Dr. Aarti Vyas




Principles of an Appropriate Lifestyle

Student Ratings & Reviews

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The course was interesting. It is a flexible mode of learning where the learner can learn at his own pace.
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