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Aloe vera barbadence is the scientific name of miller aloe vera, which is a member of the liliaceae family. Aloe vera is a combination of the Latin word vera, which means “true”, and the Arabic word aloe, which means “shiny bitter substance.” Aloe vera has been used since ages for its therapeutic, health, beauty and skin care benefits. In dermatology, it has been applied for many purposes.

Maharashtra, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh are the places where it is found in India. Aloe vera is also known as the miraculous plant, plant of life, stick of heaven, potted healer and blessing of heaven.  Other well-known names for aloe vera include Barbados aloe vera, curacao aloe vera and Indian ales. Other names include Aloe Vera, Ghirita, Kumari, Gaverapalatra and Lu Hui.

Aloe vera is a plant that contains sodium, calcium, manganese, magnesium, copper, zinc, potassium, chromium, and iron, as well as minerals such as vitamins A, B12, C, and E, choline, folic acid, sugars, amino acids, and sterols.

Aloe vera can be used in the following ways:

  • gel
  • lotion
  • cream
  • juice

Properties of Aloe Vera:

Aloe vera has many properties, including

  • It can have laxative effects.
  • It may have potential as a pain reliever.
  • It may have anti-fungal properties.
  • It may have antibacterial properties.
  • It may have antiviral properties.
  • It can exhibit antioxidant activity.
  • It may have antiseptic properties.
  • It may have anti-inflammatory properties.

Benefits of Aloe Vera

Aloe vera has demonstrated potential uses against many health conditions due to its various properties. Below are some potential applications for aloe vera.

  1. Wounds: Aloe vera can be used to treat wounds as it is well known for its ability to heal and soothe burns and other wounds. Applying aloe vera to the wound can accelerate wound healing and improve tensile strength. 4 To get the wound treated, however, you should seek medical attention if you have a wound.
  1. Anti-aging effects: The components of aloe vera may be able to prevent skin aging. This can help reverse the effects of skin aging. 3. Aloe vera can be applied topically on the skin to moisturize. This can contribute to making the skin more elastic and smoother. Additionally, it can soften the skin and clog pores. To support the use of aloe vera in skin aging, more research is needed. If you have any skin-related concerns, consult a dermatologist or dermatology doctor.
  1. Diabetes: Many cultures around the world use aloe vera as a traditional treatment for diabetes mellitus. Aloe vera can help with chronic hyperglycaemia (excess of glucose in the blood), which is a symptom of diabetes mellitus and a major risk factor for heart disease, along with a disturbed lipid profile, according to studies conducted on both humans and animals. During a clinical study, it was also discovered to lower blood sugar levels in diabetics. Preventing gestational diabetes may be aided by it (a type of diabetes that develops during pregnancy in women).  However, diabetes is a serious medical condition, so you should strictly follow the guidance and therapy prescribed by your doctor. Do not use any herbal remedies without consulting a doctor first.
  1. Ulcers: For treating digestive disorders like ulcers, heartburn and others, aloe vera juice can be helpful. Aloe vera extract may be able to reduce acid secretion. According to some studies, aloe vera can be used for children.  Aloe vera should not be used as a substitute for modern medical care. Herbal ulcer treatment can make the condition worse.

Uses of Aloe Vera Gel for Skin | Mamaearth Blog

  • Inflammation: Pain, swelling, redness and heat are some features of inflammation that slow down the healing process. Aloe vera gel can speed up the healing process by reducing discomfort and pain. It can work as a natural pain reliever and help reduce inflammatory pain. But if the swelling does not subside, consult a doctor.
  • Detox: Aloe vera juice can be a great natural detoxifier. Our body needs regular cleaning due to the bad food we eat, pollution and stress in our lives. The minerals, vitamins and trace elements in aloe vera juice can help our body cope with the stress of daily life. Before using herbal remedies for health reasons, you should consult your healthcare provider.Although there are studies demonstrating the benefits of aloe vera in various conditions, these are insufficient, and more research is needed to determine the full extent of aloe vera’s health benefits for people.
  • These are some of the benefits of aloe vera for hair:
  • Strengthens hair: Many minerals and active ingredients found in aloe vera can strengthen your hair. Along with fatty and amino acids, it is a good source of vitamins A, B12, C and E. These contribute to the health of hair follicles.
  • Aloe vera contains enzymes that break down fat, so it removes any excess oil from your hair (sebum).
  • Soa scratched scalp: A common inflammatory skin condition that affects your scalp is seborrheic dermatitis. Dandruff, red skin, and scaly patches are the result. According to research, aloe vera can significantly reduce itching and itching.
  • Protects against UV rays: Drinking fresh aloe vera juice can protect against UV radiation from the sun. UV rays can make your hair rough and less elastic, causing it to lose its shine and color and break. The type of hair determines how much UV protection is provided.
  • Hair growth: Although some people claim that aloe vera promotes hair growth, it is not supported by science. But scientists believe that aloe veranine, a chemical in the plant, is an important element in encouraging hair growth, as seen in people with a hair loss condition known as alopecia. It has been used to strengthen hair, reduce breakage, and promote hair growth.

Side effects of aloe vera:

Following are the side effects related to the use of aloe vera.

  1. Diarrhea, abdominal pain, hepatitis, red urine, irregular heartbeat, and worsening constipation are some of the side effects of oral use. Electrolyte imbalance can result from its diuretic effects. Aloe vera use for extended periods is reportedly associated with an increased risk of colorectal cancer.
  1. Irritation, redness, stinging, and in rare cases generalized dermatitis (inflammation of the skin) in painless individuals are side effects of topical use. It is recommended to apply aloe vera to a small area to test for any possible allergic reaction.
  1. You should discuss any potential risks and restrictions with your doctor before using aloe vera or other herbal remedies. You will be able to avoid unpleasant side effects.

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